
This is a quick-and-dirty tutorial of the python programming language. With prior programming experience, you will learn from this post to

  • write basics python code
  • identify some common gotchas

The material contains small code examples with explanations, which are not systematic or comprehensive. All examples run in python 2.7.10.

the motivation

When learning a new topic, I often get frustrated with books/tutorials. The problem is that they usually assume no prior knowledge whereas I have some. Time is wasted filtering information here and there.

If you already know a programming language, learning python should be very easy. Reading systematic learning materials will be a waste of time. It is far better to learn the minimal to get you started first and learn as needed along the way. Thus I organized this material to get you started quickly.

There are four major parts of this post:

about you

Familiarity with other programming language is assumed. Ideally, you should know C/C++ or Matlab.

Two things you should probably do before coding python

  • install iPython which is an interactive environment to run and test python codes
  • use white space instead of tab for indentation (set expandtab if you use vi)

Basic facts (boring)

Warning: these facts may be too dry for the first read, you can come back to them after going over the basic examples.

In python, everything is an object (instance of a class), including the built-in data types and even functions.

The basic data types include

  • None
  • boolean
  • integer
  • float
  • sequence
    • list []
    • tuple ()
    • string "" or ''
  • dictionary {}

None is a special type that serves the purpose of null.

Dictionaries map keys to values and are implemented as hash maps.

The ones in bold face are mutable data types, and the rest are immutable. In python, this mutability refers to whether the memory associated with a variable name can be modified directly (in-place). You will see how they differ in later examples.

The sequence data types can host multiple elements in an ordered sequence. Two operations are supported to access the elements

  • indexing: access single element
  • slicing: access a sub-sequence

The ordering makes the sequence data type iterable. Python has special support for the iterable data types. For example, you can

  • use the keyword in to test membership
  • use the built-in function iter() to loop over the sequence more efficiently

Finally, there are some features to save typing

  • ; is not needed at the end of line.
  • Parentheses are not needed for the logic test in looping and conditional statement.
  • Unlike other languages where curly braces are used to define code blocks, python uses indentation and :. There are six cases where code blocks are defined:
    • conditional statement: if, elif, else
    • looping statement: while, for, in
    • function definition: def
    • class definition: class
    • error handling: try, except, else, finally
    • context generation: with, as

Basic examples (essential syntax)

a = 0.8
  • Everything is an object of some class. Even the basic data types.
  • The built-in function dir() displays the member methods of an object.
  • Type declaration is not needed.
a = (0, 1, 2, 3)
print a[-1]
print a[1:3]
  • Here a is a built-in data type tuple, which is iterable (can be looped over) and immutable (cannot be modified in-place).
  • a[i] retrieves the value at location i
  • Python index is zero-based.
  • Negative index means indexing from the back. -1 refers to the last element.
  • a[1:3] is a slicing. It returns the elements from index 1 to 2 (the last element, i.e., 3, is excluded since python uses half-open interval convention).
  • In python 3, you have to use print() with the parentheses.
a = (1, 2) + (3,)
b = (1, 2) * 2
  • Tuple with only one element needs a comma in the definition, e.g., (3,)
  • Concatenation works for other iterable data types as well, such as list and str.
a = 2 ** 3
a, b = 'abc', 4 ** 0.5
a, b = b, a
  • The same variable can be dynamically linked to different types, although it is bad practice to do so.
  • ** is the exponential operator, e.g., 4**0.5=2.0
  • The second expression assigns 'abc' to a and 4**0.5 to b
  • The last expression swaps the values of a and b
  • Tuples are used under the hood.
a = [23, 73, 81, 99]
for i in range(len(a)):
for i in xrange(len(a)):
for x in a:
  • Here a is a built-in data type list, which is iterable and mutable. It is basically an array.
  • The built-in function len() returns the length of a sequence object
  • The built-in function range() creates a list ranging from 0 up to the input number (last number excluded due to the half-open interval convention)
  • The keyword in tests if a value is in a sequence
  • The built-in function xrange() creates an iterator that iterates from 0 up to the input number (excluding the last number). The advantage of iterators is that they do not return a list but yield elements one by one, thus is more efficient with big data size. list(xrange(4)) will create [0, 1, 2, 3], which is the same as range(4).
  • for loop can directly loop over the elements instead of indices.
  • To access the elements of a sequence, the third way is more pythonic than the first two.
  • It is bad practice to modify a list (or any mutable sequence) inside a for loop while looping over it. It is error-prone since python internally tracks the index location of the for loop.
a = [23, 70]
b = a + a
c = a * 2
a.extend([0, 1, 2])
  • + and * act on list as concatenation. Here b and c both equal to [23, 70, 23, 70].
  • Python optimizes the append() method to be of O(1). list has another method called remove() and removing the last element is also of O(1).
  • Concatenation creates a new list thus is expensive. For a large list, it is better to use the extend() method, which does not create a new list.
s = 'abdafdsasdfadfa'
for c in s:
    print c
  • Here s is a built-in string data type, which is iterable and immutable.
  • The for loop loops over the characters in s.
a = [0, 'asdf', 33, 2.2, None, False, [1, 2]]
for i, x in \
    print a[i], x
  • list can hold different data types.
  • The built-in function enumerate() provides access to (index, element) pairs.
  • If a line is too long, one can use \ to break the line.
d = {'a': 100, 'b': 200, 'c': 111}
d['e'] = 234
count = d.get('f', 0)
for key, value in d.items():
    print key, value
  • Here d is a built-in data type dict, which is iterable and mutable.
  • The second line adds a key-value pair of 'e':234.
  • Accessing a non-existing key causes an error. The get() method returns a default value if the key does not exist.
  • The items() method returns a list of (key, value) pairs.
if x > 0:
    print('positive: %0.2f' % x)
elif x == 0:
    # write more code here later
elif -5 < x < 0:
    print('negative: %0.2f' % x)
    print('x < -5')
  • Anything after # is commented out
  • The pass keyword does not do anything. It is a place-holder.
  • C style string formatting works, although the more pythonic way is to use 'negative: {:0.2f}'.format(x). See PEP 3101.
def binary_search(nums, x):
    ''' binary search

        input:  a sorted array nums
                a search key x
        output: index if found, otherwise -1
    low, high = 0, len(nums)-1
    while low <= high:
        mid = (low + high) // 2
        if nums[mid] == x:
            return mid
        if nums[mid] > x:
            high = mid -1
            low = mid + 1
    return -1
  • This is an implementation of binary search.
  • def together with : and indentation defines function
  • A pair of ''' defines string that spans multiple lines.
  • // is the C style integer division. / is equivalent to // in python 2 but not python 3.
  • None is the default return value if return statement is missing in a function definition.
a = [0, 1, 2, None, 4]
a_sum = 0
for x in a:
    if x is not None:
        a_sum += x
  • None is of its own data type NoneType and cannot be converted to other types
  • is and is not should be used to compare variable to None
  • == and != compare value whereas is and is not compare memory location id()

Gotchas (boring but important)

Oct.30.2016: I came across a talk by Ned Batchelder illustrating a few of points in this section. He made nice diagrams to make the points more visual.

# mutable 
a = [0, 1, 2]
b = a
b[0] = 1
# immutable
i = 0
j = i
i = 1
  • a becomes [1, 1, 2], i.e., it equals b.
  • i and j are 1 and 0.
  • This is because list is mutable whereas integer is immutable. You can think of the variables as pointers. Assignment of immutable object moves the pointer to other location in the memory whereas modification of mutable object does not affect the pointer value.
  • Using the built-in function id(), you can see that i and j refer to different locations in memory whereas a and b refer to the same location.
a = [0, 1, 2]
b = a
b = [3, 4]
  • After execution, a remains [0, 1, 2]
  • Assignment of mutable object also moves the pointer to other location in the memory. It is not an in-place modification.
nums = [10, 20, 30]
def letgo(x):
# rebinding
def letgo2(x):
    x = [0, 1]
  • letgo(nums) makes nums [10, 20].
  • letgo2(nums) does not change nums
  • Inside the function scope, x is a local variable which you can think of as letgo2.x. When the function is called, an assignment letgo2.x = x happens first where x is the input. Then the behavior can be understood as in the previous example.
x = 10
def bar():
    print x
def foo():
    print x
    x += 1
  • bar() works (are you surprised? I was until I learned closure) and foo() does not.
  • bar() works since python treats variables inside a function implicitly like global if they are only referenced but not assigned
  • When a variable is assigned in the function, it becomes a local variable and shadows variables with the same name outside the function scope.
a = [1, 2, 3, 4]
for x in a:
    x += 1
  • a remains its original values
  • x gets assigned to each entry of a and gets incremented.
a = ('abc'
  • a is a str variable 'abcdef'
  • This is a feature but could be a bug if one plans for tuple but forgets to put ,.
def is_it():
    return False
if is_it:
    print 'Yes'
    print 'No'
  • Since functions are objects in python, this code still runs although () is missing for the function call. No error no warning and you get the wrong result.
def f(a=[]):
    return a
  • If you keep calling f(), the return value will keep having more 1s.
  • This is because default values are only set once when the function is first called.
  • Typically you don’t want to use mutable data type as default value, unless you are doing cache or memoization.
a = [0]
id1 = id(a)
a = a + [1]
id2 = id(a)
a += [2]
id3 = id(a)
  • id2 and id3 are equal, and they differ from id1
  • For list, += is equivalent to .extend() instead of assignment. It is a member function call __iadd__()

More tricks

a = x if x > 0 else 0
  • This is the ternary expression in python.
a = [0, 1, 2, None, 4]
a_sum = sum([x for x in a if x is not None])

# nested list comprehension 
b = [['a', 'b', 'c'], [0, 3, 9]]
flattened = [x for y in b for x in y]
  • list can be created using for loop and if statements. This is called list comprehension.
  • Multiple for loops are allowed for list comprehension.
  • To write a list comprehension, simply move the execution block before the for statements and if statements, then remove the :.
def square(x):
    return x**2
# lambda function
square_lambda = lambda x: x**2

  • Short functions can be defined using the lambda keyword. You almost never want to assign it to a variable like I did here.
  • Functions are objects too, thus can be assigned to variables and passed as arguments.
a = [1, 2, 3, 4]
b = filter(lambda x: x > 2, a)
c = map(lambda x: x + 1, a)
  • These are more typical use of lambda functions.
  • b is [3, 4] and c is [2, 3, 4, 5]
  • The built-in functions filter and map are functionals.
  • It’s much faster to run these functional than looping and conditioning.
mul = lambda x, y, z=2: x * y * z
t = (3, 4, 5)
d = {'x':3, 'y':4}
  • lambda function can take multiple input parameters, even default parameters
  • * unpacks tuple and ** unpacks dictionary. One standard usage is *args, **kwargs.
  • When using **, make sure the variable names match with the dictionary keys.
seq1 = ['a', 'b', 'c']
seq2 = [1, 2, 3]
z = zip(seq1, seq2)
unz1, unz2 = zip(*z)
  • The built-in function zip() helps to pair up elements in sequences.
  • z is [('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3)]
  • unz1 is ('a', 'b', 'c') and unz2 is (1, 2, 3).

Further study