This is a brief summary of the books I read in 2019. The ones I particularly like are in bold.

The complete list is on my Goodreads page (21 books in total).


  • How to change your mind by Michael Pollan: This is a very interesting book about the history, the community, the scientific research, and the author’s own experience with psychedelics. These drugs seem to temporarily eliminate ego and provide a glimpse into non-self experience.
  • Life and Death in Shanghai by Nien Cheng: This is Shawshank redemption in real life.
  • The pyramid principle by Barbara Minto: This book teaches how to organize one’s thinking.
  • 天才在左,疯子在右 by Ming Gao: Its title can be translated as “Genius on the left, madness on the right”. It is a compilation of interviews of mental illness patients. Many of them have tremendous concentration, determination, and logic power to think about unconventional ideas.
  • The life-changing magic of tidying up by Marie Kondo: The title says it all.
  • Rich dad poor dad by Robert Kiyosaki: It’s an introduction to personal finance.

